Golden Era
When was golden era of bellydance?
The 1940s - 1970s are heralded as the golden era of bellydance,
when legends such as Souhier Zaki, Tahia Karioca, Fifi Abdo, Samia Gamal,
Niama Akef, Nagwa Fouad, and Nadia Gamal brought bellydance
to international acclaim with lavish performances in major
Arab films such as Tamr Henna, Afrita Hanem, and Nour Al Ayoun.
My favourite Golden Era Bellydancer
Souhier Zaki
Her smile is infectious and her moves are fluid.
There are a few more clips of her on YouTube.
Please check her out.
Her style is beautiful to watch (in my opinion)
Tahia Karioka
Another favourite dancer of mine.
Tahia Karioca
using Zills (finger cymbals)
Naima Akef
A very graceful dancer
Samia Gamal
Belly Dance from the movie " Zenobia" (1956)
Nagwa Fouad
Fifi Abdou
Dancing several styles, wearing several costumes.
Nadia Gamal
Includes scenes from films "Ahd al-hawa" (1955), "24 Hours to Kill" (1965) and "Prem Pujari" (1970) among others.
Music: "Zeina" by Hossam Ramzy.